Nobody’s business but my own

So this post is kind of personal, but it is something that has been bothering me for quite some time now. I went to the ER today because I started getting worse back and leg pain and of course they have to ask if you are pregnant. Obviously I am not, I just had major surgery. Here is the thing though there is no way I could be pregnant because I haven’t had sex since May in 2012. Here is the shocker…I am okay with that! for some reason though medical professionals have a hard time believing this, even my gynecologist. I was having problems with not getting my periods and having a cyst on my left ovary, which doesn’t seem to work(which means I probably can’t get pregnant), for a few months now. Every time I went in though they would say “well pregnancy can cause this type of pain so we are going to have to test you.” I would explain to them that hey I told you last time I was here I haven’t had sex in over a year and I told you when I got here that that hasn’t changed, but they just didn’t believe me. I don’t understand that. Why would I lie about not having sex? I know it’s protocol and whatever, but they really did doubt me about it. The way they handle it also just isn’t very professional, it kind of like ” you haven’t had sex? Yeah okay if you say so.”

I think the worst thing I have ever heard about it is when I went to the ER a few months ago prior to going to the gyno about the cyst pain. Since I was there for pelvic pain the nurse had to ask if I was sexually active. I told her when the last time I had been and her reaction was unbelievable I think she actually said “wow holy cow are you serious?” and “how on earth have you been able to do that.” I was just kind of stunned that she would talk to a patient like that. I was polite and told her that I hadn’t been in a relationship and really just didn’t care too much about it and she gave me some more quips about how amazed she was.

I just don’t understand how these are appropriate responses in the healthcare field. I think they should get their answers right them down and leave it at that. I mean is it so unbelievable that yes I have had sex in the past, but I have decided that for the time being I am not interested in having it? Is sex really that important to some people that they can’t grasp the concept of going without it? It isn’t like I’m going to go the rest of my days being celibate, but for the time being it’s not at the top of my priority list. And as far as I’m concerned that is nobody’s damn business but my own.

One thought on “Nobody’s business but my own

  1. You must remember two things: people lie in the ER all the time, and most nurses’ love lives are messed up.

    Patient descriptors are useful for diagnosis, but nurses are skeptical and cynical, and will seldom believe a patient’s word alone. Remember that you can refuse further testing. As for finding it impossible, most nurses are loose enough to be incredulous when someone is not. I am saving myself for my wife, and if this is ever made known, the reaction is usually stunned silence.

    Don’t take it personally. That’s just how it is.

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